Pet Owners
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Working With Pet Cancer Care Consulting is easy. See the steps below to learn how you can get the care your pet deserves from a veterinary Oncologist.
Step 1
Talk with your family vet about our services.
The best time to talk with your vet is after your pet is diagnosed with Cancer. Once you have the diagnosis, simply mention Pet Cancer Care Consulting. We work with veterinarians across the country. Our service gives your pet the care it deserves by providing access to a veterinary oncologist from the convenience of your family vet’s office.
Step 2
Your vet books an appointment.
Your family vet office will book an appointment with the veterinary oncologist for your next visit.
Step 3
You Meet with Your Vet and the Oncologist
Your appointment will take place in your vet’s office on the predetermined date. This will be similar to your other appointments, but your Oncologist will join via secure video. A three-way video consultation can also be done if this is preferred over going back to the veterinary office.
Reach out below, so we can help you recommend our services to your veterinarian.
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